There are a lot of companies out there who are interested in buying your cell tower lease, however many will disguise themselves, making you believe otherwise. Here are some things you should consider when asked to sell your lease or if you have been approached by someone you suspect wants to buy your lease. Understand that every lease has different value. Companies who are trying to buy your lease use these uniform formulas to come up with a purchase offer.
Don’t assume that the offer made to you is a fair one. In fact, you should always seek guidance from someone who is on your side, helping you determine what your lease is really worth. When property owners enter a buyout transaction they will often be asked to allow the company purchasing the cell tower lease use of their property for 50 years or more, impacting the development, disposition and financing of the overall property.
Lastly, be aware of deceptive practices. Finance companies trying to buy your lease will often make themselves appear to be telecom companies, claiming they can add tenants and revenue to your property. They will use this tactic to grab your attention, and once they have that, they will try to proceed with the real motives behind contacting you. Vertical Consultants strives to keep you informed, providing you with insider information and delivering results that benefit your bottom line.