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At Vertical Consultants, we have been strong proponents of stadium and venue owners looking into DAS (Distributed Antenna System) in order to meet their peak usage time needs. DAS offers a great way to ensure your customers have access to the wireless capabilities they need. After all, nobody wants an unhappy customer! However, you may have found a DAS to simply not be cost effective. Today, we want to give you some information on a concept known as C-DAS or Central Distributed Antenna System.

A C-DAS is a system that allows for separate areas to access the DAS capabilities during different peak hours. For example, three hours prior to a sporting event, neighboring bars, hotels, parking lots and restaurants will experience a surge in customers. As these areas experience this surge in customers and data usage, the wireless needs inside the actual stadium are non-existent. Once the big game begins, these roles are reversed. A C-DAS would permit the stadium, as well as the surrounding businesses and areas, to tap into a single DAS at different times. The result is a more efficient use of network capabilities and, as a result, lower system costs.

Owners of small stadiums and venues need to provide their event-goers with access to wireless networks; however, the cost of installing a DAS may not be feasible financially. If you are an owner of a small stadium or venue that is relatively close to a larger building that has a DAS, like a convention center or a university, depending on the timing of your needs, partnering with the larger entity could present a cost effective way to ensure all your event-goers have sufficient wireless access. Similarly, if you operate the large convention center or university, you have invested a sizeable amount of capital into installing a state of the art DAS system. Leasing some of your network usage to a neighboring facility or venue could be a great way to recoup some of that expenditure without experiencing any loss in network capabilities.

If you are interested in more information regarding how a C-DAS may be right for you, please contact Vertical Consultants. We can help you plan, negotiate and draft leases and contracts that will ensure you optimal wireless capabilities. The consultation is free, so call today!

In 2022, Vertical Consultants averaged an immediate 302% increase in rents being received by its clients, and since 2010, has been able to assist its clients in the recovery of over 300 years worth of combined underpaid, and, in some cases, unpaid rents and other expenses that were rightfully due to these property owners located throughout North America.

To learn more about our services, visit https://www.celltowerleaseexperts.com or contact Vertical Consultants at info(at)vertical-consultants(dot)com or 877.456.7552.