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Hare_Field_HillsboroLarge venues, arenas and stadiums present a unique challenge for wireless carriers. Communications companies often see their networks become overworked due to large numbers of people in a single location simultaneously trying to use their wireless data capabilities. For many years, fans and event attendees were practically forced to disconnect themselves from the Internet while at large events. As everyone with a smart phone knows, there are few things more frustrating then not being able to get your apps to load when you want them to, and for owners of venues, there are few things more disconcerting then frustrated customers. Luckily, for all parties involved, technology has advanced and venue owners now have remedies. The tower advisors at Vertical Consultants are here to help all landlords and building owners with their telecommunication equipment needs, including information on venue and stadium cell sites.

The first option for venue owners is to have additional rooftop equipment or antennas installed on their rooftop or structure. Sporting venues are typically tall buildings, meaning their rooftops provide excellent locations for rooftop equipment. Furthermore, stadiums and arenas often have suitable tower-like structures already in place. Perhaps wireless carriers can attach to the lights extending from the top of your stadium, or from a tall flagpole already on site. While it is helpful to have additional antennas present, today building owners have even more advanced options.

SmartCells work like mini-towers and have a range of up to 300 yards. SmartCells are a great way for venues and communications companies to ease the burden large events place on wireless networks. SmartCell technology is evolving and the cells are becoming smaller and smaller, meaning they can be easily installed in places where most fans will never see them. However, there is one last method that may be an even better solution for venues.

Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) is a system first implemented by AT&T. Whereas MicroCells and rooftop equipment allow those outside your venue to send signals to their network, a DAS can be set up so the signal does not extend beyond your building wall or property line. This means the system will be more reliable and efficient for your event attendees. DAS is already in place in many towns and stadiums across the United States and are very successful in providing fans with wireless network access.

As with any cellular site, it is always crucial that landowners preserve for themselves the right to relocate their tenant’s communications equipment. Every year, stadiums are being torn down and rebuilt bigger, better and with more technological advancements. Even if your venue is relatively new, consider that the average communications site lease is well in excess of 25 years when signed. Don’t let your big plans be held up by your tenant’s equipment.

If you are interested in more information on providing your venue, stadium or arena with stronger, more reliable cellular data access, contact Vertical Consultants today. We are happy to guide you through the process and will ensure you receive the best deal possible from both a financial and practical standpoint. In today’s economy, you cannot afford to let your venue be known as a wireless dead spot, so call us today!

In 2022, Vertical Consultants averaged an immediate 302% increase in rents being received by its clients, and since 2010, has been able to assist its clients in the recovery of over 300 years worth of combined underpaid, and, in some cases, unpaid rents and other expenses that were rightfully due to these property owners located throughout North America.

To learn more about our services, visit https://www.celltowerleaseexperts.com or contact Vertical Consultants at info(at)vertical-consultants(dot)com or 877.456.7552.