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cell tower lease agreementsPine Island, Florida

Vertical Consultants, cell tower lease consultants, proudly announces the addition of its newest client, Greater Pine Island Water Association. The water utility company services the largest island along the southwest Florida coastline. The members of the association were approached to lease part of their property and had questions  regarding the full value for the proposed use of their land. After researching the industry, they turned to Vertical Consultants to provide counsel and optimize opportunities regarding their potential cell tower lease.

Hugh Odom, President and Founder of Vertical Consultants, states, “The Vertical Consultants’ team is proud to provide Greater Pine Island Water Association with results positively affecting their bottom line. Knowing and understanding the terms within your cell tower lease is an essential element in receiving full and fair value for telecom companies’ use of your property. It is our mission to arm all property owners with information that will afford them opportunities to increase the value of their cell tower leases and we take pride in accomplishing this on a daily basis.”

The mission of Vertical Consultants is to empower and advocate for property owners negotiating new or existing cell tower leases with global telecom companies. With over 50 years of combined telecom, financial, legal, and real estate experience and expertise, the Vertical Consultants team has achieved an average of 343% immediate rent increases, securing over $150,000,000.00 in cell site rents for clients across North America.  

Contact us to find out how to improve your bottom line.

