We work with landowners to make sure that if they are open to extending their current cell tower lease that they “get the most but give up the least”. The decision a landowner makes today as it relates to an extension of his/her current lease may mean hundreds of thousands of dollars over the life of the lease, as few hundred dollars more a month means a lot when paid over 10, 20 or more years. This is an important transaction and should not be taken lightly because, at the end of the day, as noted above, it could mean a lot of money lost if not structured correctly.
The cell tower companies, as much as they would like you to believe otherwise, are not on your side, nor will they look out for your best interest, as their primary interest is to get the best deal for their company, not for you. Their first concern is their bottom line, shouldn’t yours be as well?
Contact us today so we can assist you in reviewing your proposed lease extension and work on your behalf to make sure you get fair value for allowing a tower or telecom company to extend their lease. Our initial review is free of charge.