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By 2018, close to 60% of the world will be utilizing LTE technology, according to an Ericsson Mobility Report. This means more customers, better services and, in turn, more money for the cell tower companies. If the telecom giants are increasing their revenues due to an evolution in technology, shouldn’t property owners with cell tower leases be equally compensated, as it is due to the use of their land that these giants will receive such gains?

Ultimately, a cell tower lease landlord’s bargaining power and leverage in negotiations with a cell tower company is going to be directly related to the options that a cell phone carrier or tower company has and the overall value of your potential tower location to that cell phone carrier. This is where we can truly make an impact for a landowner, as we can assist you in determining the true value of your property as it relates to a cell tower lease. Property owners need to know what the value of their property is to the telecom company. Afterall, your property is their source of prosperity.
