A pub in the Hammond Bay seaside community of Nanaimo, British Columbia has received a proposal for a new cell tower to be erected on its property. One of Canada’s largest telecom companies has determined this address will be the best location for its network needs, although they have received some protest from local residents. According to a representative from the telecom company regarding the chosen location, “It has to fit as part of our overall network, and that’s the best location for it. The tower will increase community safety. Roughly half of all 911 calls are now made by mobile phone users.”
If the tower is approved, it is important that the owner of the pub seeks proper representation to assist him/ her throughout the lease negotiation process. Vertical Consultants has worked with all types of landowners throughout North America who are being paid below-market value for the use of their property. The primary reason for this is the lack of information and representation provided for these entities. Ample information from a true landowner advocate is a key factor these industries need in order to optimize the use of their properties by the powerful telecom companies.