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It is no secret that cell tower companies are making huge profits. Do you know how these profits are coming to fruition? By way of property owners like you and me. Since the use of property owners land nets these companies giant earnings, the property owners deserve a fair market rate for providing the source of such abundant wealth.

Cell tower companies have produced gains of up to 1,400%! This is proof that these towers are extremely financially beneficial to the livelihood of the tower and telecom companies alike. According to Nasdaq.com, “Because the upfront costs of placing equipment on a tower are so high, it doesn’t make financial sense to switch to a neighboring tower if the cost to lease was lower. For this reason, the cash flow from the cell tower companies is consistent and reliable.” This article suggests investing in cell tower companies’ stocks, further proof of the reliance on property owners to garner such a massive return to the cell tower companies’ pockets.

The mission of Vertical Consultants is to empower and advocate for property owners when they negotiate new or existing cell tower leases with global telecom companies. With over 50 years of combined telecom, financial, legal, and real estate experience and expertise, the Vertical Consultants team has recovered 300+ years of unpaid or underpaid rent, resulting in $150,000,000, owed to clients across North America since 2010.

To learn more about our services, visit https://www.celltowerleaseexperts.com or contact Vertical Consultants at info@vertical-consultants.com or 877.456.7552.



(Link to article: http://www.nasdaq.com/article/dont-overlook-the-cell-tower-stocks-cm226185).