Commonly, a third party company trying to buy your cell tower lease will indicate they can add tenants and value to your tower, offering to split this additional revenue if you agree to sell your lease. This tactic is often used to entice a property owner to sell his or her lease, however, landowners should realize adding tenants to a tower is unlikely, in these types of cases.
The reason for this is simple: Any additional tenants or equipment would have to be approved by the tower company currently leasing your site. The majority of those looking to buy your lease aren’t telecom companies, they are finance companies who buy lease assets and do not have the means available to get companies like AT&T, Sprint, Verizon or T-Mobile add equipment to the tower.
If you are approached by a third party using this tactic to buy your lease, ask them the following questions: how many tenants have you added to towers in the last three years, how many people do they have dedicated to adding new tenants to towers and what is the average amount property owners received as a result. You may be surprised to find the answers. Contact Vertical Consultants, your cell tower lease experts, for any questions related to your cell tower lease. No charge, no cost-our services are free.