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The 3 Most Valuable Cell Tower Properties

The following are three of the most valuable property types that we have seen over the years when it comes to the placement of a cell tower. Unfortunately, most of these property owners are extremely underpaid when it comes to rent for leasing their real estate:


Self-storage facilities have become popular locations for cell towers. The reason behind this is the increase in demand for wireless coverage and the need for better network connectivity. The location of self-storage facilities makes them ideal for the installation of cell towers, as they provide a suitable height for the antennas, ample space for the equipment, and can help improve network coverage for the surrounding areas.

One of the primary reasons why cell towers are installed in self-storage facilities is due to the unique features that these locations offer. Self-storage facilities are often located in easily accessible areas, which means that they can provide network coverage to both urban and suburban regions. They are also built on large plots of land that provide ample space for the installation of equipment and allow the antennas to be placed at suitable heights.

Cell towers at self-storage facilities can cover a wide area and reach many users, including those who may be located far from the tower itself. This is because the tower’s height allows the antennas to provide a better line of sight to devices, which can improve connectivity and reception. In contrast to installing a cell tower in a residential area or a business district, the installation of a cell tower at a self-storage facility does not disrupt the surrounding community. This is because self-storage facilities are often located in commercial areas, and their installation does not interfere with residential communities.


School are valuable cell tower sites for a variety of reasons. They are often located in densely populated areas, making them ideal for improving wireless connectivity in urban and suburban regions. Additionally, schools are typically situated on large plots of land that provide ample space for the installation of cell tower equipment and antennas.

The primary benefits of installing cell towers at schools is the potential revenue stream that they provide. This revenue can be used to improve educational programs, purchase new equipment, or make building repairs. In many cases, schools have used this additional revenue to fund important projects that would not have been possible otherwise. However, most schools severely undervalue what they charge a wireless carrier or cell tower company for the use of their real estate.

Cell towers at schools can help ensure that everyone has reliable access to a strong and stable wireless signal, which can make learning more efficient and effective; however, this should already be the obligation for the wireless carrier to serve its customers in that area, so while the wireless service is a benefit, it should not be discounted when it comes to consideration for leasing space on the real estate.


Churches are becoming increasingly valuable cell tower locations due to their unique attributes. Churches are often located in residential areas with tall buildings, trees, or other obstructions that can interfere with wireless signals. Their tall steeples and towers can provide an ideal location for cell tower equipment and antennas to be installed, allowing for improved wireless coverage and connectivity in the surrounding area.

Much like schools, the primary benefits of installing cell towers on churches is the additional revenue stream that they can provide to the church. This additional revenue can be used to fund important church programs, such as community outreach, charitable work, and building maintenance.

For the wireless carrier and the cell tower company, the church cell tower site allows them to fulfill their obligation to provide reliable wireless services to mobile devices for communication and information to their customers in the surrounding area.

The downside for most churches, however, is that like schools, they have historically entered into cell tower lease agreements that did not accurately account for the value of their real estate as it compares to what is being derived by the wireless carriers and cell tower companies. As a result, churches are some of the most underpaid cell tower landlords in the United States.

If you wish to learn more about the cell tower industry and, more particularly, cell tower leases, contact us today.

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