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Getting You A Smart Cell Tower Lease

Vertical Consultants – Our Mission: Getting You A Smart Cell Tower Lease

Ultimately, our mission is to get our clients a “Smart Cell Tower Lease”, which is one that not only maximizes the monthly revenue you receive from the use of your property from day one, lasting throughout the term of the lease, but also minimizes any terms that, in the future, may negatively impact the future development, disposition or financing of your property.

A “Smart Cell Tower Lease” is one that looks beyond the immediate future and allows for a structure that will maximize the value of the cell tower lease, not only on day one, but throughout the term of the lease, while, at the same time, minimizing the negative impact the agreement can have on a property owner’s future development, disposition or even financing of its properties.

Cell Tower Lease Client North CarolinaVertical Consultants was more than our consultant they were an advocate. We are extremely satisfied.  – Stu, North Carolina

Vertical Consultants – Our Mission: Getting You The Best Lease Possible

So, why is it important to have a “Smart Cell Tower Lease” when it comes to the value of that lease? The first question almost every landowner wants to know when it comes to a new cell tower lease or an extension of an existing cell tower lease is what should the rent should be. However, what most landowners are focusing on is what amount rent should be on day one of a cell tower lease, rather than how to construct a lease that gives them value throughout the entirety of the lease, which can be upwards of thirty years in term.

Most property owners rely upon annual or renewal term rent escalators to maintain value of the lease throughout the entire duration of the lease. However, all these escalators really do is keep your lease on track with inflation, which means that, at the end of the lease, you are basically being paid the same amount that you were being paid on day one.

The cell tower companies have done a masterful job of getting property owners to agree to lease terms that are almost a fixed expense, while, concurrently having the ability to increase the profitability of a cell tower site by adding subtenants or upgrading the cell tower site with new technology.

How does a landowner make sure they have a “Smart Cell Tower Lease” when it comes to value? The answer is simple, but can be difficult to implement if you are not familiar with the industry. A property owner should have a cell tower lease that provides for rent to be determined based upon value of the cell tower lease to the cell tower company and not based upon the value of the property being leased or what property owners have mistakenly agreed to in the past.

A cell tower lease should also be crafted to allow for re-entry points in the lease for the landlord, based upon not only who is using your property, but the utility they receive from that use. A landowner should see more rent, not only every time a new subtenant enters the site, but also every time an upgrade at the site takes place, as to allow the tenant or subtenant to get more value from the location.

The cell tower companies rely upon property owners viewing a cell tower lease as a simple real estate transaction and not on understanding that it is really a telecom transaction-that is where the value lies to them, and if you are smart, to YOU as well.

The second step in making sure that you have a “Smart Cell Tower Lease” is by recognizing that as important as it is to get the most when it comes to rent, it is just as important not to give up too much in return.

Much like a good magic trick where the magician will distract your attention to perform the trick, a cell tower company will rely upon a property owner being focused on rent and not paying attention to the overall terms of the lease.

Remember, a typical cell tower lease is an agreement that is binding upon you, your company and your property for decades, with almost no way for you to terminate that agreement. Think about that for a moment; how many agreements will you or your company sign that will commit you to 20, 30 or more years, with no way for you to even renegotiate? Even if you enter into a bad long-term financing deal, you can refinance; or, on a personal level, even if you marry the wrong person, you can get a divorce. You are not so lucky with a cell tower lease, so you better get it right the first time.

What most landowners rely upon is that the lease is only affecting a small portion of their property, and, as a result, presume that it cannot do them much harm. The truth is that the terms of new cell tower leases and amendments to extend existing ones are now being structured in a manner that can have a negative impact on not only your property, but also you and, if applicable, your business.

A property owner needs to review any agreement presented with an eye on not only the probabilities that may exist as it relates to its property and the lease, but on the possibilities as well. Again, we are talking about an agreement that is going to last for decades, so ask yourself this question: Are you 100% certain what your business or property is going to look like in 5 or 10 years, much less 30 years?

A landowner needs to have a cell tower lease that provides flexibility to adapt to changing conditions.  This can include changes to its property that mean a need to not only possibly relocate the cell tower, but, more often the case, the need to relocate access or utility easements serving that facility. It can mean a need to have liability, environmental, insurance, and other sections of the lease that account for the fact of an ever-changing world, especially over a period of 20 or 30 years. It can make sure that it does not enter into an agreement that will not only limit ability to assign, sell or otherwise transfer the cell tower lease, but the parent parcel, which the lease is a part of; and believe it or not, cell tower leases can put you in a situation in which you could be in breach of your current financing terms or limit your potential purchaser of your property the ability to get certain financing.

A landowner can have a “Smart Cell Tower Lease”, but it must realize that no matter how many real estate transactions it has been a part of, a new cell tower lease or an amendment to existing one is really a telecom transaction. The cell tower companies want property owners to continue to look at cell tower leases the same way as they have since the late 1980’s, and why not, as it has and continues to be extremely profitable to them. A “Smart Cell Tower Lease” is your way to start leveling the playing field between you and the cell tower companies.

Vertical Consultants is a telecom consulting firm, achieving an average of a 308% immediate increase in client’s rent in 2024. We provide guidance and services exclusively for property owners who either have an existing cell tower or rooftop telecom lease, or have been approached to enter into a new lease for such facilities.

We specialize in assisting and being an advocate for landowners across North America. The staff of Vertical Consultants has decades of experience in the cell tower industry, including two telecom/real estate attorneys who have over 100 years of combined experience in the telecom arena.

clark We own an ice cream company. Over a 300% increase in rents was a sweet result. Thanks Vertical Consultants. –Clark, Oregon

Vertical Consultants – How We Can Increase The Value of Your Lease

Unlike other consulting firms, we do not work with the cell phone or tower companies – we only work for you, the property owner. We strive to provide more than mere advice to our clients…we strive to provide unmatched results. (Click here to see some of our results)

Vertical Consultants distinguishes itself from other consulting companies by what we can bring to the table:

Our results are of record and been reported by media outlets throughout North America. Vertical Consultants does not buy cell tower leases, as we focus on increasing the value of your lease. As previously mentioned, in 2019, we achieved an average of a 306% immediate increase in client’s rent.

Vertical Consultants understands that every cell tower lease is unique and has a different value. We know rent should be based on the value of the lease to the tower company and not the undervalued rent someone else agreed to.

Vertical Consultants has both the expertise and the experience to provide you with answers regarding the “true value” of your property as it relates to not only a new tower or rooftop lease agreement, but, in addition, we have the means to offer our clients the options to be able to increase the value of any existing lease they might already have.

Vertical Consultants is comprised of a group of experts who have decades of experience and have worked for the largest telecom companies in the world, including two attorneys who have over 100 years of combined experience in negotiating and drafting telecom leases.  (Click Here To Learn More About the Members of Vertical Consultants)

Vertical Consultants is a “true” independent consulting firm. We only work with property owners. The members of Vertical Consultants own no towers and have even sold all telecom stocks previously held to insure that we have no conflicts.

We are not like those other “one trick pony” consulting firms that will charge you up to $500.00 an hour just to tell you what you need to do.  We will provide you expert consulting, outline your options going forward, and work on your behalf to garner results.  And, in the end, we will not truly benefit unless you see a benefit from our services. Other consulting companies focus on providing you advice; Vertical Consultants focuses on providing you results.

Vertical Consultants has never and does not receive any fees or incentives from any tower or telecom company. We also have no preset agreements with any telecom or tower company, and we will sign an affidavit stating this as fact.

Vertical Consultants provides free rent reports, lease reviews, and cell tower lease buyout analyses. We do provide hourly fee options, but we work primarily on a contingency fee basis- meaning we only get paid if you see results.

Vertical Consultants promises to keep all of your lease information confidential and will sign a confidentiality agreement as a guarantee.

Vertical Consultants provides you with not only access to reference letters from actual clients we have achieved results for, but we will put you in touch with them so you can hear it directly from the source.

david-kansasOur company has cell lease across the country. Vertical Consultants continues to impress us with their results. – David, Kansas

Get A Free Lease Agreement Review and Consultation – We Can Immediately Increase Your Cell Tower Rents