In order to take advantage of a carrier’s need to upgrade their equipment, you must create an agreement with certain provisions that will bring the wireless carrier back to the negotiation table. At Vertical Consultants, we are experts at drafting agreements that bring tenants into future discussions, and we use these discussions to routinely assess the value of your cell tower or rooftop cell site to ensure you are being paid accordingly. However, if you are on the fence about contacting Vertical Consultants, or are considering going through the negotiation process on your own, here are two crucial steps you can take to maximize your rooftop cell site upgrades:
First, require your consent to any modifications or additional equipment. As the wireless industry changes, your tenant will need to install new equipment or make changes to the existing equipment. By requiring your consent, you are able to gate-keep what equipment is installed on your rooftop. Ultimately, that roof is yours and you should know what is up there. In addition to staying informed as to the goings on of your roof, building owners may be able to use this consent right to leverage their tenant into paying additional sums of money, either monthly or in a lump sum.
Second, you should limit the leased space to as small of an area as possible for the tenant’s equipment. By limiting your tenant’s area for a cellular site, you cause them to approach you with an agreement amendment when they need to expand their equipment. Expansion comes with needing to install additional equipment due to changes in the wireless industry. Breakthroughs are coming constantly in the telecom field, and your tenant must adapt, or they will fall behind their competition. These changes create value in your rooftop, and making your tenant lease additional space from you allows you to take advantage of that increased value.
It is important to note that with both tips, the building owner must routinely audit their rooftop to ensure their tenant is in compliance. If your tenant is in breach of their agreement, you have rights! The communications’ companies may not want to agree to these provisions, so you must be prepared to fight. At Vertical Consultants, we are happy to do the fighting for you, so please call today for your free consultation.
Call today for your free consultation and for more information on to maximize any modification request made of you by your rooftop tenant
In 2022, Vertical Consultants averaged an immediate 302% increase in rents being received by its clients, and since 2010, has been able to assist its clients in the recovery of over 300 years worth of combined underpaid, and, in some cases, unpaid rents and other expenses that were rightfully due to these property owners located throughout North America.
To learn more about our services, visit or contact Vertical Consultants at info(at)vertical-consultants(dot)com or 877.456.7552.