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Don’t Be Fooled by So-called ‘Experts’

Don’t Be Fooled-So Called “Cell Tower Lease Experts”

Property owners are constantly getting contacted by the tower company or some third party looking to buy their lease or some other offer involving their property.

Even worse when they go to seek assistance from a so-called cell tower lease expert they find that they are just being sold information and the expert will not work on their behalf but just will provide them some general advice that they give to every property owner that contacts them.

The wireless carriers and tower companies have some of the smartest and most experienced business and legal experts on their side of the table. These cell site experts handle these same issues every day.

While other so-called cell tower experts may have served as contracted site acquisition agents for the telecom companies the members of Vertical Consultants were decision makers for some the largest telecom companies in the world.

Don’t you want the best when dealing with your lease??

Vertical Consultants – Unmatched Credentials:

  • Experience: Over 100 years combined telecom, real estate and past legal experience all under one roof. We don’t need to direct you to others for answers to your questions;
  • Telecom Experts: Experienced telecom experts on staff with over 35 years combined experience in the telecom and real estate arenas;
  • Business Professionals: Experienced business professionals with MBA’s in finance and economics with decades of experience. We understand how to best structure financial terms for your short and long term benefit;
  • Accredited: Vertical Consultants is the only fully accredited firm in our industry (BBB and NASBP accredited)

We approach assisting you differently than other so-call expert consulting firms that want you to rely on databases full of information that have nothing to do with you or your property.

We answer your questions and serve you based upon the how you are going to be impacted not only today but in the future. You can’t look that up in any database because you and every situation are different.

You, your property and your cell site lease have unique characteristics that need to be accounted for when handling issues surrounding a new or existing cell site lease.

Finally, we are the only consulting firm that truly works solely for property owners. Others will pronounce they do but at the same time they also work do work for the cell tower companies and wireless companies.

We don’t serve two masters like they do because we are only an advocate for property owners and this allows us to give you un-bias and straight answers to questions that you need answered.